Portrait of Klaus at die Goldene Bar

Klaus - Die Goldene Bar, Munich, August 2024

Late in the summer, whilst sipping on a “dirty old bastard” cocktail and reclining on the terrace at the Goldene Bar, probably after an Eisbach swim, I asked Klaus if I could take his portrait. He said “sure, but it would be better inside at the bar”, so he rode his bike into the bar and I followed. At the time I just had my Leica 35mm camera with me and the results were acceptable but I knew I could do a little better with a flash setup because it’s quite dark inside. A week later I came back with a lightstand, flash, modifier and my Hasselblad 501cm medium format film camera and took a few rolls of film. This frame turned out to be my favourite image. Thanks Klaus for helping me continue with my Munich bar man portrait series.


Laura at Nockherberg


Charles Schumann